@INPROCEEDINGS{3IA03:DSL, AUTHOR = {Pierre Drap and Julien Seinturier and Luc Long}, TITLE = {Archaeological 3D Modelling using digital photogrammetry and Expert System. The case study of Etruscan amphorae}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the VIth Infographie Interactive et Intelligence Artificielle International Conference 3IA'2003}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Dimitri Plemenos}, PAGES = {177--188}, ORGANIZATION = {MSI Laboratory of the University de Limoges}, PUBLISHER = {University of Limoges and AFIG}, ADDRESS = {Limoges, France}, MONTH = {May 14-15}, SERIES = {}, VOLUME = {}, url = {http://3ia.teiath.gr/main_page.php?page=history_3ia2003}, abstract = {The present paper focuses on a new tool dedicated to the survey and the representation of archaeological and architectural heritage. The tool is based on a photogrammetric process related to an expert system that handles a knowledge base coming from the field of the archaeological or architectural expertise. The system was tested on an archaeological field: the Etruscan amphora, Py4. The presence of a great number of amphorae on the site of Grand Ribaud F, the Etruscan wreck located in Hyères, France, together with the archaeologist’s survey needs of the wreck, led us to the development of the system. We add also a persistence mechanism for the data, structured in XML. The project is articulated in several phases: Development of the theoretical model: for each identified object, a geometrical description offers a whole of geometrical primitives, which are the only objects to be potentially measured, and a theoretical representation of the object. Being photogrammetric measurement highly incomplete (the object is seen only partially or is in part deteriorated), the Expert System determines the best strategy to inform all the geometrical parameters of the studied object, starting from taken measurements and the default data as defined in the architectural model and the geometrical model. The resulting object is thus based on a theoretical model, dimensioned more or less partially by a photogrammetric measurement. At the time of the exploitation of the photographs the operator can choose the number of attributes of the object which are regarded as relevant to measure. The choice of attributes is revisable in time, for example at the time of a second series of measurements. The system can be used to position in space some objects of catalogue after a scale phase. If measurement is more complete, in addition to positioning in space, the system allows to analyse how the measurements vary from the theoretical model and, by there, to study these deformations or the erosion. These, in turn, allow one to question the initial model. The whole of the developments of the project is written in Java and uses the expert system Jess, available on the WEB.} }